華名、日本ラストマッチで総攻撃耐える.華名が9.15『カナプロマニア』以降の全試合を停止、興行も試合も全て白紙と発表! 【結果】カナアユ興行7・ 【結果】JWP10・14新宿. 【結果】JWP5・5板橋. 『Smash.14』試合結果(第2試合). 2013.8.18 後楽園ホール 試合. 2013.10.14 新宿Face 試合.波女決勝トーナメントで中川、山縣、そして決勝でJWP王者の中島を撃破した大畠が優勝!決勝戦で華名を下し、桜花がレスラー生活12年目にして初のシングルタイトルとなる初代Regina di Waveを獲得!決勝戦. Pro Wrestling Wave (in Japanese).華名勝利もみのるに裏切られ泣きっ面.
中島が復帰を発表、華名が再び中島に告白/JWP会見.華名&紫雷姉妹のトリプルテイルズが予告通り無差別テロ攻撃!華名が無差別級王座初防衛/JWP.華名が第22代無差別級王者に/JWP. カナプロマニア9.15後楽園大会 華名日本ラストマッチ/華名&朱里&志田vs.中島&水波&山下. 8月18日(日)後楽園ホール.後楽園ホール Catch The Wave 2013・ Catch the Wave 2015~決戦~. Pro Wrestling Wave (in Japanese).文子&山縣組Vで挑戦権獲得/Wave.桜花、志田組が新タッグ王者/Wave. Regina桜花に山縣が地元で挑戦! 2013.11.10 花やしき 総評. 2013.5.5 板橋グリーンホール 総評. 3月31日(日)板橋グリーンホール. 5月5日(日)板橋グリーンホール 『Pure-violence highway.8~こどもの日スペシャル~』. Regardless of its recognition in the ’70s, many critics consider it one of the worst pop songs of all time.
Charlotte dates the worst kisser she’s ever met. NEW PAPER, added 1/18/16, Robert Anton Wilson: Spook-Baby. NEW PAPER, added 7/22/24, Biden’s Forged Signatures. I have added another web page, together with a little bit of Terry Gilliam’s genealogy and other issues. I feel responsible for wanting to have sex with my husband and never get pregnant. In Wisconsin, convicted sex offenders are registered with the Department of Corrections upon their launch from prison. By the nineteen thirties, military officials had begun to question the need for a prison like Alcatraz. Hollywood’s new mantra is “nostalgia sells,” as evidenced by countless reboots and remakes – from Ghostbusters to Pet Semetary – to sequels like Terminator: Dark Fate and Star Wars: Episode VII-The Force Awakens. Smash Kushidaが新日本に円満移籍、大森はFCF総帥に轟沈.大阪ラプソティ Vol-22. Pro Wrestling Wave (in Japanese). DDT Pro-Wrestling (in Japanese). トリプルテイルズ. Kana Net (in Japanese). Pro Wrestling Noah (in Japanese). 「引退はしません」. Battle News (in Japanese). However, the court rejected the request of the six plaintiffs (two male couples and one feminine couple) for ¥1,000,000 (equivalent to about $9,000 or £6,480) per individual for the denial.
California created the primary state-stage domestic partnership within the United States in 1999. Effective from January 1, 2020, domestic partnerships will probably be legally accessible to all couples consisting of any two folks, regardless of gender over 18 years old. Kanellis was first asked to pose for Playboy when she was nineteen years old, but she turned down the supply in worry of embarrassing her sister. He can also be the stepfather of Greek’s daughter with her first husband. イオとW王座戦へ. Concerning certainly one of my outdated paintings. Old and Sexy bitches, Shocking GRANNY, Crazy MILFs, and extra. Owing probably to the load of the various statues proving too much for the travertine piers, which aren’t set on their pure beds however endways, and therefore are very weak, the construction seems to have given manner at multiple time, and the flooring has been supported by piers and arches of brick-faced concrete, inserted either instead of or on the sides of the shattered piers.